Category Archives: Visual Therapies

WORLD GLAUCOMA WEEK: 10-16 March 2013

Theme: The world is a wonder to see every day so don’t let glaucoma get in the way What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause progressive damage of the optic nerve. If left untreated, most types of glaucoma progress (without warning or obvious symptoms to the patient) towards gradually worsening […]

Sports & Vision

In most sports, you’ll never achieve your true potential if your eyes aren’t up to it. Peak athletic performance is not only due to extensive physical training and conditioning. Current research has shown that there is also a strong correlation between peak performance and excellent visual skills, making an athlete’s eyesight one of the most […]

Sports & Vision

In most sports, you’ll never achieve your true potential if your eyes aren’t up to it. Peak athletic performance is not only due to extensive physical training and conditioning. Current research has shown that there is also a strong correlation between peak performance and excellent visual skills, making an athlete’s eyesight one of the most […]